Course description

The speaker discusses the importance of attracting people over 55 in their work and retirement plans. They suggest that presenting one's best self can attract people who are similar to them. However, they also mention that some clients have struggled to sell to people aged 25-30, as they believe they don't see them doing the work they should be doing.

The speaker emphasizes that the message is not about attracting people who are 25 or older, but rather about attracting people who are older than them. This is because the message is not about being a guy or a gal, but about being a woman.

The speaker also emphasizes the importance of being careful with testimonials, as they can be used as social proof to prove that someone doesn't belong in a group. For example, if a program is designed for a common person, but only has three testimonials from a corporate training program, it may not be enough to attract them.

Testimonials can be valuable for character building, but they should not be used solely for their own sake. Instead, they should focus on what people say about the program and how it has impacted their life.

In conclusion, the speaker emphasizes the importance of being your best self and using testimonials to attract people who share similar traits. They also suggest that testimonials should be used as character building rather than just for the program itself. By focusing on being your best self and presenting your best qualities, you can attract people who are similar to you and help you achieve your goals.

What will i learn?


Aishmita Paul




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